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Seeing your Child God’s Way is a Bible based material for anyone who wants to pray for children.


To see their children how Father God does, aligning their prayers with His vision for them. These sessions will build faith and hope as we care and pray for our children.  


There are 6 sessions, each one having some teaching, Bible reading and then response times. The response times are prayer based but with creative activities to include everyone.


The sessions can be done alone but are best done in a group.  Then discussion and encouragement can take place and friendships are built. 


Each session of the material is supported by videos of Sam to bring further encouragement as you walk through the course. Each video has an introduction and summary.


Please see the FAQ’s and the testimonials below to give more information.


. . .or contact me! I would love to hear from you.

a new pair of glasses

Session 1

catching the vision

Session 2

looking after the treasure

Session 3


Session 4

walking the

Session 5

living the life

Session 6

"Our group of mums and grandparents found Sam's sessions really helpful. We discovered how we could apply biblical principles to modern family life. Sam shared examples which made us feel that the ideas she was giving us were manageable and the amusing stories about her own family helped us to be honest about challenges in our own families.  Through the practical exercises in the sessions we discovered that we could actually do the actions suggested rather than just read about other people doing them! The course helped us to see how God gives us hope for our children when we could be at the point of giving up hope. It also refreshed our attitudes to see how each of us - children and adult - is an active and valuable part of our church family who hears from God whatever age we are and whatever our abilities and experiences are." - St Mary's Church, Horsham



"Sam brought a fresh, beautiful perspective on parenting - it's not about doing or not doing; it's about seeing what God sees. That is sooo right, and Sam delivered that message in a gracious and practical way."


"Wasn’t the run of the mill, same stuff I have heard so many times. It was looking into the child’s heart"


"Biblical, relevant and easily accessible."


"It's so important for us to take some time out to assess how we parent and why. I'd recommend it!"



"As Christians, our desire is to become more like Christ. In the same way, our parenting - through our Christian maturity - will become more like God's perspective. So the fact that the starting position of this course is from exactly that stance, it is only going to be beneficial in its content. That, coupled with Sam's beautiful heart and natural teaching ability to convey deep/complicated messages in a simple and accessible manner, well I'd say it's literally a match made in heaven!"



"Fresh perspective on parenting."


"It will change the way you parent."


"Loved every session."


"Thought provoking content which facilitated good discussions."


"To listen & value the little things my child says & think about how that may be gods message."


"The thing that first comes to mind is the 3D glasses. And, personally I now have the mantra "what does God see right now?" go around my head, which has changed my parenting for the better. I lose the plot less!"


"I am praying over my children, praying words and scriptures specific to them."


"I make a canvas with a child specific verse for them to read everyday."


"I have started to slow down and take time to allow my child to communicate if he has received from God. I.e. When we are drawing I will ask what God wants him to draw etc."

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© 2020 Sam Smith

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