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A bit about Sam

I am a wife and mother passionate about seeing our children encounter God. 


My journey of being a Mum for the past 26 years has taken me on some unknown paths and interesting uphill struggles. Together with many precious and joy filled moments they have shaped my heart to be more determined to see our children discover their father God and receive healing in His never-ending love. 


We have 3 children in the teenage years and beyond and I have recently become a Mother-in-Law! Family is very important to me; my amazing parents have pursued more of God in their lives and I grew up as a Vicar’s daughter. But more importantly, I grew up knowing I was loved and accepted as their daughter and as Father God’s child. Little did I know then, how precious a gift that was and how it strengthened me through many of the challenges we went on to face. 


After training in child care and working in that area, I have for the last 15 years worked more in the church setting. This has been in family camps, holiday clubs and Sunday mornings, mainly with the little ones 0-7-year olds. 


At present I oversee the Early Years groups in our church, writing material and coordinating our amazing team of helpers. It’s exciting as we step out of the normal ‘Sunday school’ format and go for more of God with the little ones seeing the Holy Spirit working in their lives. 


Writing is something that is not one of my natural talents, but God has certainly led me into it! I’m way out of my comfort zone, but I can’t ignore the pull on my heart to step out there and bring you all that He has placed on my heart. 

A bit about Tandy


Tandy Rouff is married to Mark, a mother to four amazing children and 1 dog!


Tandy has been involved in children's ministry for 20 years and is passionate for children to know from a young age that Father God is a good God. That He alone is powerful and that every child has access to heavenly realms to encounter and experience the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Tandy and Mark have been in full time Christian ministry for 16 years, they are now at St Pauls Hammersmith where Mark is the associate vicar and Tandy is the children and family’s pastor. They both love leading in many aspects of church life and have a heart for the prophetic and to see each person fulfil their God given destiny.


Tandy is now training as an ordinand at St Mellitus College, alongside her exciting role as UK Coordinator for Children's Bethel Sozo. Tandy has worked with a number of churches training and releasing their Bethel Sozo ministries.


Tandy has a passion to see children encountering God, to see them become radical disciples of Jesus. She longs to see children and young people living in complete freedom and to see them transforming their communities around them.

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